Liberty in Education

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Our country was founded on individual liberty. Unlike other countries that place the importance of the overall population over the rights of the individual, our Founders knew better!

John Locke (left) and Thomas Jefferson (right)

The US Constitution tells us how our government is to be run, but the Declaration of Independence tells us why. It’s our “mission statement.” When Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, he relied heavily on the work of the renown 17th century English philosopher, John Locke. Like Locke, I believe that our rights do not derive from government or even the Constitution itself, but rather are natural and God given. The whole purpose of government is to secure those unalienable rights for all of its individual citizens. Unfortunately, there seems to be a growing number of people within our school system and within our country that believe in Marxist collectivism and want to destroy individual liberty.

For many years I have been fighting locally for our individual rights. When our county government was shutting down our local businesses during COVID-19, I stood with local patriots at Reopen protests. When our school board was kicking citizens out of their board meetings for refusing to wear a mask, I filed suit against them in Superior Court.

I am passionate about liberty, and I will bring that same passion to the New Hanover County Board of Education. Defending the individual rights of parents and students will be my #1 priority!

Parental Rights

Parental Rights

As a fierce defender of liberty, Mr. Perry will always stand strong for the rights of parents to raise their children in the manner they deem best. This article details some of the specific parental rights issues Mr. Perry will fight for once he is elected to the New Hanover County Board of Education.
Student Rights

Student Rights

Mr. Perry believes that our students possess all the natural rights we adults do. Sadly, our school system often runs roughshod over those rights. This article outlines some of student rights issues that Mr. Perry will address once he is elected to the New Hanover County Board of Education.


Mr. Perry is an "Open Book" and believes that a government that is "of the people, by the people, and for the people" must be transparent. The same goes for our school district. This article details some of the transparency issues Mr. Perry will work on once he is elected to the New Hanover County Board of Education.