Everyone would say that we need to improve the quality of education within our school district. However, very few can even define what a quality education looks like, never mind being able to define how we should measure that quality, and what steps we should take to improve it.
Some merely want to assess quality by looking at overall graduation rates, or the median score of our students on standardized tests. Others would define quality education as one that produces workers and leaders in our nation’s current and future industries.
I believe these explanations of “educational quality” are lacking because they assume a quality public education exists primarily for the benefit it produces to our overall society and to our country. On the contrary, I am big believer that a quality education exists primarily to empower individual students to maximize their individual potential. I ascribe to a liberal arts theory of education. Yes, there are necessary technical skills we must teach students, but the real goal is to expose students to a breadth of knowledge that helps them become independent critical thinkers and better adults.
Here are the links to the issue pages where I delve into more specifics on my plan to improve educational quality in New Hanover County: