Proven Patriot

by | Feb 13, 2024 | About David, Featured Posts

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Anyone who has closely followed local New Hanover County politics over the last few years probably already knows this, but I am a strong Constitutional Conservative. Like our Founders, I am committed to the cause of individual liberty, and have a backbone of steel. I am not the type of person that “goes along just to get along” either. If our constitutionally guaranteed rights are being violated, then I am going to speak up, and loudly!

And I am just as likely, if not more likely, to speak up against fellow Republicans (who betray our GOP Platform as well as our Constitution) then I am against Democrats. Wayward Republicans are actually more dangerous than Democrats. You know what you are getting with the latter, but wayward Republicans are like “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Regardless, the cause of liberty and our Constitution should be a non-partisan endeavor.

A Bit of Personal History

After Reagan’s presidency ended, small government conservatism took a nosedive, and neo-conservatism became the driving force in the Republican Party. As a result, I lost interest in politics.

However, Ron Paul’s 2008 and 2012 presidential runs renewed my interest in becoming politically active once again. His ideological libertarianism really piqued my interest and gave me food for thought. Even though, Dr. Paul did not become President, his influence sparked the emergence of the Tea Party movement, and a real grassroots liberty movement.

Sadly, even though I became interested in politics again, I never actually became active again until 2016. That’s when my grandson Lucas was born. I realized that I needed to become politically active again so that I could help rebuild a country worth growing up in. I started attending local political meetings in 2016. I ran for the NC General Assembly in 2018 and 2020. Even though those losses were disappointing, I still didn’t give up. I formed a local chapter of the Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) in the summer of 2020. Our New Hanover Chapter hosted many events and forums that featured Republican elected officials and candidates. In 2022, we began an endorsement process for Republican candidates for local office that held the same small government, pro-liberty positions on the issues as the RLC does. We raised money and then went to work advocating for our endorsed candidates. We were extremely pleased to have contributed to Melissa Mason’s 2022 victory in the New Hanover County Board of Education race.

Fighting COVID-19 Tyranny

We saw some of the worst deprivations of liberty in our country’s history during the COVID-19 crisis. We seemingly ignored the Bill of Rights and scoffed at the concept of individual liberty. While other Republicans sat silent, I spoke up. When they shut down our local New Hanover County businesses, I joined other concerned citizens at the numerous Reopen NHC protests that were conducted across the county. When New Hanover County created a countywide mask mandate, I joined other patriots in protest. When they started forcefully removing citizens from our school board meetings for not wearing masks, I challenged the school district in Court.

I fought the good fight! And, once I am elected to the New Hanover County Board of Education, I will continue to fight for the rights of parents and students, and for the right of the community to have complete and proactive transparency.