Proven Patriot

Proven Patriot

Share on Social Media: Anyone who has closely followed local New Hanover County politics over the last few years probably already knows this, but I am a strong Constitutional Conservative. Like our Founders, I am committed to the cause of individual liberty, and have...
Committed Conservative

Committed Conservative

Share on Social Media: I grew up in New England, and by the time I got to high school my family was living in Milford, NH. Back then, much more so than it is today, New Hampshire was truly the “Live Free or Die” state. Almost everyone fiercely guarded...
Independent Innovator

Independent Innovator

Share on Social Media: My fellow Republican school board candidates all bring something positive to the table.  From youthful vitality, to varying levels of experience in education, to a history of collaboration, and even a shared recognition that we must extricate...