Eliminating Indoctrination

Eliminating Indoctrination

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Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who want to use our public schools as laboratories for societal change. Our kids should not be pawns in their game! The purpose of public education should be to educate our children to become critical thinkers, who will eventually decide for themselves what the future of our society looks like. Indoctrination has no place in our school system.

Here are some of the main points I want to make about eliminating indoctrination in our school system:

Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a cross-disciplinary academic theory that came about as a result of the frustration over the initial lack of effectiveness of civil rights legislation that was enacted in the 1960s. It postulates that the laws and governments of the United States and western European countries have and continue to be systemically racist and exist for the sole purpose of white dominance over black people. For the CRT proponent, race is an artificial social construct that is used as a tool of oppression. CRT rejects classical liberalism, individualisms, capitalism, and the idea of a “color blind society.”

However, CRT is much more than an academic study conducted in ivory towers. Even CRT co-founder Richard Delgado noted that CRT is “a collection of activists and scholars interested in studying and transforming the relationship among race, racism, and power.” So, when liberal Democrats proclaim that CRT is not being taught in our public schools, they are not telling you the whole truth. It might not officially be taught in a purely academic manner, but it is being applied. The ultimate goal of all the CRT academics and activists is a Marxist socialist revolution and overthrow of our Constitution and government. By applying CRT in our public schools, they seek to indoctrinate our children to their ideology, and hopefully see their revolution actually take place in the next generation or two. There is a reason why CRT activists like Ibram X. Kendi continue to get invited to speak to liberal school districts in North Carolina (like Mecklenberg), and their published books keep showing up on educator reading lists.

Once I am elected to the New Hanover County Board of Education, I will weed CRT completely out of our school district. Our students are here to learn and grow, and not to be manipulated as pawns in a socialist plan for upheaval.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

The words “Diversity”, “Equity”, and “Inclusion” seem noble and harmless enough on their face. Who isn’t for everyone being treated equally, and for us all to get along and feel included in society, regardless of the color of our skin or ethnic background? However, all you have to do is to dig a little deeper and you will find out that DEI (sometimes referred to as “Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI))” is one of the most divisive and indoctrinating programs in our school system.

Instead of treating each individual with equal respect and welcoming, DEI demands that we lump individual people into identity groups, based on immutable characteristics like skin color and gender. If you are white, then you are a member of the privileged group who oppresses others. If you are black, then you are considered part of the oppressed group who are victims and disadvantaged. If you are a straight white male then your only redemption is to apologize for who you are, and become less white, less straight, and less male. If you are a bisexual black female then you are really a victim, and you will likely never succeed in life unless there is enough straight white male redemption.

Our school board just recently (12/5/2023) dissolved its DEI committee. This is a step in the right direction, but we have a long way to go before we can rid ourselves of this divisive program in our school system. I say “divisive” because it is. As most for-profit companies with DEI programs have found out, they actually cause resentment and less diversity and inclusion. I say we have a “long way to go” because we still a school district DEI Officer and spend millions of dollars every year in implementing DEI programs. Liberal school board member Stephanie Kraybill recently noted how the school district has and wants to continue to recruit and retain teachers who “look like” our students. How many of the taxpayer’s dollars are we spending on this initiative every year? How about we just recruit the best teachers for our schools, regardless of their skin color?

Common Misconceptions

  1. These are just fake Republican talking points that are meant to deceive voters – I am an Independent Republican who has very little appetite for partisan politics. I have a long history of criticizing members of my own party when they have been deceptive or have taken unprincipled positions that are diametrically opposed to the sound conservative principles that are outlined in our party platform. I actually criticize Democrats a lot less because I feel it’s important to look in the mirror before criticizing someone else. You can fact check everything I have said, and if you do then you will find I am telling the truth about indoctrination in our school system.
  2. You Republicans are trying to whitewash the history of black oppression in this country – I can’t speak for anyone else, but I can certainly tell you that I am not. As a student of history, I want our students to learn the entirety of U.S. history – the good, the bad, and the ugly! This country was formed by inspired but flawed men who enslaved and mistreated black people, and Native Americans as well. Even after slavery was abolished, their flawed descendants ushered in the era of Jim Crow, and continued to treat non-white people as second-class citizens. This is all true, but we also should recognize that it was the Democratic Party that was the party of slavery and Jim Crow, and not the GOP. We fought valiantly for a limited government that respected the natural rights of all of its citizens.
  3. Taking away DEI programs will hurt special needs students – I actually have a soft spot for students with special needs. Besides the fact that I used to work in special education, I also had a sister with learning disabilities. Special needs students, like all of our students, are unique and need individualized education, and don’t need to be lumped into identity groups. I vow that special education within the school district will actually improve once I am elected to the New Hanover County Board of Education.

My Rationale

I believe that all individual human beings are created in God’s image and are equally loved by him. There is no place in that love for division based on skin color, ethnicity, gender, or any of the other identity groups people try to lump people into. There was a time in our history where discrimination and bigotry ruled the day. However, I believe that day has mostly passed. Like Dr. King dreamed, people today are ready to “live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” What better place to finally begin that dream than in our schools.

The goal of our school system should be to train our students to become critical thinkers who can make up their own minds about the future of our county, state, and country. There is no place for coercion or indoctrination. Just education.

Got Questions?

If you have a question about an indoctrination topic that I did not cover, or if you just want to discuss a topic I did cover in more detail, then please feel free to Contact Us. I will always make time to listen to voters!